RSE Statement of Intent

Burton Hathow Preparatory School aims to provide relevant and responsible relationships and sex education to all of its pupils. The objectives form part of the school’s personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum and are taught both discreetly, in timetabled lessons, and throughout the school’s general curriculum and pastoral care. Our staff are aware of the importance of promoting healthy relationships and the values that underpin the RSE objectives outlined by the government. 

Communication and transparency with parents is key when it comes to the teaching of RSE and we assure that the curriculum delivered is appropriate to the age and development of the pupils. We aim to broaden the knowledge and understanding of the children in relation to healthy relationships and personal development, with some aspects of sex education being introduced in the latter years. We do this in a way that allows the children to explore elements of RSE in a safe environment and we do not promote any particular form of sexual orientation. We aim to develop foundations from which our pupils can grow as they move on from Burton Hathow into different relationships and communities.

The RSE policy is available here or in the policies section of this website and is updated on an annual basis.