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01522 702657
Burton Hathow Preparatory School
Odder Farm
Saxilby Road
Lincoln LN1 2BB
In Year 1 and 2, as part of our Digital Learning lessons, we have been learning how to use computers. We learnt about blogs and decided to put one together for this newsletter. We chose ‘how we are making our school greener’ as the subject matter.
We took pictures of the compost bin, our wormery, the wind turbine and the solar panels using ipads.
We also interviewed Mrs Fearne, who runs the school Eco Warriors group.
Here are our findings…..
Composting – the vegetable and fruit peelings from the kitchen at school are put into a special bin, and our school Eco Warriors empty it out into the compost heap every day. This reduces the amount of rubbish we throw away each week, and produces compost for us to grow plants in.
Wormery – the worms in Miss Henley’s classroom digest the fruit peelings from snack time and coffee grounds from the staff room and turn it into compost and plant food.
Recycling – we recycle paper, glass and tins to help reduce our rubbish, but also to save money. The Eco Warriors are working hard to run this in school.
Solar panels – we have solar panels on the main school roof which helps us to reduce the amount of electricity we pay for, as we make our own. Mrs Fearne has asked us as a school to start turning off lights in rooms that aren’t being used.
Biomass Boiler – we use wood pellets to run our school heating system.
Thank you for reading this, we hope you enjoyed it,
Love from
Year 1 and Year 2 xxxxx
Fun and festivities with a generous helping of good old fashioned learning 10 December, 2024
Wow, what a week of festivities, and we are only just beginning! There have been piano keys twinkling and sugar plum fairies twirling as lower […]
First day of term—Nursery and Main School
School Council Meeting 1.15pm (Y1-6 School Council Members)
Year 2 Maths Trip 9am-11am
UK Chess Challenge Begins
U9 Netball v St Hugh’s (A) - pm
Open Morning 10am-12noon
U9 Football v Handel House (H) 2.15pm; Chinese New Year Celebrations in Nursery (whole week)
Chinese New Year Assembly
U11 Mixed Netball training game with Handel House (H) 2.15pm; U9 Football v St Hugh’s (A)
Mental Health Week; U9 Football v Ranby (H) 2.15pm; Year 1 and 2 Parents’ Evening 4-6pm
Nursery WOW event (Magnificent Maths) 9-10.30am—parents welcome; Nursery Stay and Play 10.30-11.30am; Sri Lankan Independence Day—Nursery
U11 Football v Highfields (H) 2.15pm; U9 Netball v St Hugh’s (A) 2.15pm
Y3-6 Parents’ Evening (1 of 2) 2.45-4.45pm
NSPCC Number Day—Nursery
Y3-6 Parents’ Evening (2 of 2) 5-7pm
International Science Day—Nursery
Big Schools’ Birdwatch (R-Y6); U11 Football v St Hugh’s (A) 2.15pm
February House Singing Competition (R-Y6) - 2.15pm
February Informal Concert 2.15pm (R-Y6); Main School closes at 3pm. No after school clubs; Half term begins.
Second half of term begins; U9 Football v Handel House (A) 2.15pm
Enrichment Day (R-Y6)
U11 Hockey v Ranby (A) at Worksop College 2.30pm
U9 Netball v Ranby (A)
U11 Mixed Netball v St Hugh’s (A) 2.15pm
World Book Day—whole school
U11 Netball v Ranby (A) 2.30pm
U9 Football v St Hugh’s (A) 2.15pm
Open Morning 10am-12noon
U9 Football v Highfields (H); Chess Challenge Prize Giving Week
U11 Netball v Wellow (H) - pm; U11 Football v Wellow (A) - pm; Nursery WOW event (Wild in Our Woods) 2-3pm—parents welcome; Nursery Stay and Play 3-4pm
Easter Celebration Service—at Burton Hathow (9am)
Easter Egg Hunt; End of term; Main School closes at 3:00pm. No after school clubs; Nursery closes at 5pm.