As usual, our end of year celebration of music making in Upper School was a wonderful occasion to share together and to say a fond musical farewell to our Year 6 leavers.  Despite the damp and blustery weather, which meant that our party was in fact in the Halse Hall this year, we had some rousing performances from Upper School Orchestra, who morphed into a oversize rock band to perform Every Breath You Take, Time After Time and Smoke On the Water with lead vocals from Zack, Sophie and Connie!  Interspersed during the evening we were treated to solos from practically all of Year 6, and we also heard from Mrs Ellis’s Year 3 performance group, a vital training ground for our budding instrumentalists before they join Upper School Orchestra in Year 4.  

Upper School Choir closed proceedings with a rousing reprise of the songs from “100 Miles of Sky”, our recent smash hit performance at the Blue Room, a fitting finale to another fantastic year of music at Burton Hathow.  Thanks from Mr and Mrs Nowell to all our brilliant team of peripatetic music teachers who contribute so much to the musical life of the school – if your child has expressed an interest in playing an instrument in 2023-24 do speak to Mr Nowell, so we can help to facilitate a wonderful life skill as well as a learning boost for their whole education. A huge thank you to Mr Nowell and Mrs Lyons for all their hard work.

The evening was followed by the Owl’s annual camp over, with over 80 people in attendance, enjoying a family evening under the stars. Thank you Owls.