Get in touch to book a personal tour or to enquire about your childs place.
01522 702657
Burton Hathow Preparatory School
Odder Farm
Saxilby Road
Lincoln LN1 2BB
We have had a wonderful first term of this academic year, and can’t quite believe how much we have managed to cram in!
The second half of the Autumn term is always a special one, full of Nativities and other Christmas celebrations! And amongst all the frivolities of the festive period, we have done some wonderful learning too!
Our Fireside Nativity in the forest was an extremely special time that will be imprinted in our memories forever. It was a wonderful opportunity for our families to join us in the forest and see what we have been working on, all while portraying the true meaning of Christmas. The children loved performing and singing, and wanted to do it again!
In English, Year 1 have been working really well on rhyme and pattern within poems and well-know rhymes, as well as beginning to grasp the word types and the impact they can have on our writing. Year 2 have been studying fantasy stories, and learning how to extend sentences and use the past and present tense.
Year 1 have worked on place value, number bonds, addition and subtraction as well as shape in Maths.. phew! They have showcased some amazing mathematical skills, and we are excited to see what the new year brings! Year 2 have also been working on length, position and direction and sequencing and fractions.
In Topic, both year groups continued to work on Under and Over the Sea which has been a really engaging and capturing topic title! We have gone from sea creatures, to boats, to floating and sinking, to pirates and beyond! We created our own messages in bottles after finding a message from somebody stranded on a desert island, which was very exciting and thought-provoking! We have since looked at desert island survival skills ourselves, and really thought about things we would need (food and water) and things we could perhaps live without (iPads!).
Next term, we are moving onto Fairy Tales and we cannot wait!
Have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
Best wishes,
Miss Henley, Mrs Wells an the Lower School Team x
Prize Giving 2024 5 July, 2024
Today, we gathered to celebrate the incredible achievements of all our students, with a special focus on our Year 6 leavers. The church was filled […]
Autumn Term Begins
Burton Hathow Fest
U9 or U11 Wellow Coaching TBC
Fixtures Meeting at Ranby 9-10.30am
11+ Exam (Year 6) - Verbal Reasoning
U9 Hockey and Rugby Festival at Barlborough Hall
U8/9 Hockey @St Hugh’s 2.15pm
11+ Exam (Year 6) - Non-Verbal Reasoning U11 Hockey at St Hugh’s 2.15pm
U11 Hockey at St Hugh’s 2.15pm
U8 Rugby and Hockey Festival at Barlborough hall
U8/9 Tag Rugby at St Hugh’s 2.15pm
U9 Tag/Touch Rugby and U9 Hockey v Wellow (venue TBC)
U11 Hockey/Touch Rugby v Wellow (venue TBC)
Fundamental British Values R-Y6
School Council Presentations and voting
U11 Mixed Hockey v Ranby at Worksop College 2.30pm
U8/9 Tag Clinic/Games St Hugh’s
Individual and Sibling Photos
U8 Tag/U9 Touch v Ranby at Burton Hathow 2.30pm
R-Y2 Victorian Day U9 and U11 Cross Country at Ranby 2pm
Informal Concert 2.15pm-3pm—parents welcome Main School closes at 3pm. Half Term holiday begins. No after school clubs.
Second Half of Term begins
U9 Hockey at Ranby 2.15pm
U9 Rugby and Hockey Festival at Barlborough Hall
U9 Football at Stratford
U9 Hockey Festival at St Hugh’s
R-Y6 Flu Vaccinations (online consent required)
U11 Mixed Touch Rugby v Ranby—at Burton Hathow (2.30pm)
U8 Rugby and Hockey Festival at Barlborough Hall
U9 Tag Rugby v St Hugh’s 2.15pm at Burton Hathow
U9 Touch Rugby at Highfields 2.15pm
U11 Mixed Rugby at Highfields 2.15pm
U11 Swimming Gala at St Hugh’s
U11 Mixed Hockey at St Hugh’s
U9 Swimming Gala at St Hugh’s
R-Y2 Nativity Dress Rehearsal 2.20pm
U8/9 Hockey Clinic at St Hugh’s TBC
R-Y2 Nativity performance for parents 2.20pm
R-Y2 Christmas Party
Christmas Lunch
End of Term School Closes at 3pm. No after School Clubs