What a summer term we have had! The children have been brilliant and it has been lovely for us both to see them getting ready for their next step in their learning journey. Our topic work has taken us to the solar system and beyond. We have taken steps on the moon and have researched Katherine Johnson. We completed our space travels by making Galactic Slime, and children followed the recipe and the instructions beautifully.

In literacy, we have been looking at interview techniques and how to ask and answer questions using the book “An interview with a Tiger: And Other Clawed Beasts”. We have also looked at adverbs and adjectives and how to make our sentences more exciting for readers.

In Maths, we have touched on fractions and time, days of the week and months of the year, shape and measure. We ventured round the school grounds in search of different 2D and 3D shapes which was great fun, and sorted shapes into Venn diagrams, and collected data using tally charts! We have also been practising our times tables ready for our next year groups! 

We are sad to say goodbye to our current classes, and we wish them all the luck and best wishes in the world! 

We hope you and your families have the most wonderful summer- enjoy and stay safe.

With our very best wishes,

Miss Henley and Mrs Wells. xx