Year 1 and 2 have had a very busy Spring term! They have been focusing on Dinosaurs this half-term, to finish the Once Upon a Time topic! It has been a blast! 

We started the topic with a fantastic and insightful session from Mr Hardcastle, the Head of Science, who passed on his wealth of knowledge about dinosaurs including their physical attributes, their eating habits and why they died out. The children loved it and asked lots of questions about the topic! We have created some wonderful artwork based on dinosaurs including foot-print tracks, puppets, paintings and collages. We celebrated the end of the topic with our triumphant Dinosaur Dig Day, where the children became explorers for one day only! It was fantastic! We did the Dinosaur Stomp dance, went on a walk to hunt fossils, excavated tiny dinosaurs from eggs and then completed a dino-tastic maths challenge in the forest. Thank you to all parents who have sent in fossils and books from home for children to share.

In Literacy, Year 1 have been focusing on diaries and recounts after reading some super books including The Diary of a Wombat and Waiting for Goliath. They put their new found skills to good use by writing a diary from the perspective of Goliath, who we found out was a snail, and they did really well! We have been working hard on our reading and phonics, too, and will be continuing to consolidate phonemes after Easter. Year 2 have also been looking at diaries and recounts and the use of the past tense, and the class produced some wonderful animal recounts!

In Maths, Year 1 and 2 have enjoyed work on days of the week, money and time. They have been working on making different amounts using coins, sequencing events and we are proud to say they have mastered telling ‘o’clock’ and ‘half past’ times on both analogue and digital clock forms, with a lot of them becoming more comfortable with quarter past and quarter to! Some very clever work! 

The children did us all so proud at the Speech and Dramas Festival in March, where they delivered their poems confidently! 

Next term, our topic title will be The Circle of Life, where we will be learning all about life cycles! 

We hope you all have a fantastic Easter break, and make some wonderful memories together. With love and best wishes,

Miss Henley, Mrs Wells and the Lower School Team. x