Going for gold is the target for the Burton Hathow Remote Sports Challenge this term. Our boys and girls have been tasked to complete as many challenges per week as they can. Some of the challenges include hard work, team work, accuracy and some involve just having fun with the family. If you are not already part of the group its Showbie code CND7R. You will find a special half term edition ready for you. Let’s see how many families can achieve gold over the holidays

Taskmaster has also set a number of tasks online for the upper years at school. Year 5 had a ‘Great British Bake Off’ inspired task. Miss Gayle and Mrs Spencer were BH’s very own Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood. 

Year 6 took part in an ‘Egg Drop’ task to drop an egg from the highest point without cracking and this week have a ‘Big Art Attack’ task set by Mr Neil Buchanan.

The children are loving the variety of tasks we are setting which doesn’t involve screen time and encourages some family fun.