Caterpillars have now started their Spanish lessons and are doing a fantástico job of listening and speaking!

We have been working on greeting each other with ‘hola’, introducing ourselves with ‘me llamo’ saying ‘adiós’ at the end of the lesson and more recently saying ‘gracias’ when somebody does something nice for us.

Butterflies have been working hard at saying which fruits they like ‘me gusta’ and don’t like ‘no me gusta’ as well as saying what colours they are. We can say how old we are ‘tengo ___ años’ and count to ten. 

In Reception we spent a lot of time reading La Oruga Muy Hambrienta (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) so that we could pick out words which we saw/heard lots of times. We agreed that we would say ‘me duele’ if we ate everything that the oruga ate on the last day! We can also say which pets we have ‘tengo’ and ‘no tengo’ and can name some farm animals.

In Year 1 we have perfected the song ‘Cabeza, Hombros, Manos, Pies’ (Head, Shoulders, Hands and Feet), name body parts of their worry dolls and enjoying lots of stories in Spanish to expand our vocabulary and listen out for high frequency words. We finished the topic by making our own version of the Gingerbread Man story.

In Year 2 we have spent time talking about Spanish speaking countries and why so many of them are in South America. We learn some basic facts and looked at their flags. We then read some fairy tales in Spanish ‘Los Zapatos Rojos’ and ‘Los Tres Cerditos’. We used the latter to help us with describing sizes – pequeño, medio and grande.

In Year 3 we have been using our iPads to record our voices to make videos of items in the classroom, talk about what is in our pencil cases, say what we have and don’t have and finished with a role play in a papelería (stationery shop) to ask for the price, greet and say goodbye to each other and ask for specific items.

In Year 4 we have looked at several pieces of art work, including some we made ourselves, to describe the shapes and colours that we could see. We then talked about where these items are positioned to include more detail. One of the highlights was blindfolding each other and giving directions in Spanish to find items that we had hidden.

In Year 5 we have been working hard at telling the time in Spanish, as well as giving times that events start and finish. We looked online at times that TV shows start and finish to share with the class in Spanish, as well as giving some start and finish times of our school timetable. We finished by giving some information about out daily routine.

In Year 6 we have been focusing on the weather, el tiempo. Some of the vocabulary required some learning techniques, so we spent some time looking at how to remember vocabulary. One of the classes favourite activities was trying to sink Señora Oldfield’s boats by translating sentences in a game of Battleship! Each student produced an excellent presentation after researching the weather from places all over the world, which we then shared as a group.