The Burton Hathow artists have been prolific this term so far, it is lovely to see the wall and shelves fill up with their wonderful work. 
Year 2 worked collaboratively to make 2 large canvas’ of collaged tree ’skeletons’ for display in the foyer and Mrs Lyons’ office.
In Years 3 and 4 the children used a wide range of media to make their ‘Winter Hares’ and learnt how to use the ‘wet in wet’ watercolour techniques to make interesting background washes. 
In Year 3 our focus is winter into spring and the children experimented with graphite washes and drawing with ink to create ‘Moonlit Winter Trees’. 
Year 4 have been making puppets in a variety of styles, and have shared their work with the younger children in the school. We are practicing play performance with each new set of puppets and after half term will make marionette puppets which we will perform with. 
Year 5 are focusing on one point perspective and have successfully drawn celebratory cakes, 3D mathematical shapes as well as buildings and skyscrapers. They are currently developing a cityscape with overlapping buildings and roads disappearing into the distance.  

Year 6 made exquisite map fold books and are now beginning to build a body of work ready to show in their Leavers Art exhibition in the summer. They began experimenting with batik last week and are hoping to create some lovely work that relates the theme they have chosen for the term.