The final half term of the year often presents challenges in terms of the curriculum as so much extra happens. We did however make some beautiful work and had a lot of fun along the way. Year 2 drew giant dragonflies and butterflies and painted our wildflower meadow. Year 3 used watercolours to paint fish and completed their ceramic fish mobiles, Year 4 added final touches to their boats, made map fold books and worked on a small focused drawing of water. Year 5 lost many sessions to rehearsals for the play but we have agreed to work hard in September to make up for the lost lessons!  Year 6 completed their canvas’s titled ‘Objects of my time’ to a high standard and were proud to share them. 

The Year 6 leavers art exhibition was the highlight of this term for me.  It was wonderful to see the collection of work that the children brought together to share, celebrating their achievements in art over their years in school. Thank you to all that came to support them.