The Spring Term began with a little bit of sunshine and the first glimpse of the daffodils. Our focus for this half of the term has led us to explore natural and manufactured structures.

We began by looking at the Arctic and Antarctic regions, finding out about the climate, the people and the animals that lived there. This led us on to discuss what it would be like to live in these types of places and how would we manage if we had to build our own house to live in!

Rhymes and rhyming stories gave us an opportunity to dip into the homes within the stories and rhymes of The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe, A Squash and a Squeeze and The Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly. The children have developed their skills to link ideas and concepts from other stories and experiences and share their ideas.

Castles became a prominent feature in our learning; appealing to the children in many ways from reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and planting beans and discussing the scientific elements, to reading The Princess and the Peas and doubling and halving peas in numeracy and also creating our own shield when exploring the non-fiction element of castles.

The outdoors plays a large part in our learning at Burton Hathow, designing and building structures in the forest, to recreating stories and even taking responsibility to look after our surroundings by tidying and titivating our garden.

We can’t wait to start next term in the glorious sunshine – fingers crossed!