As written by the Reception children

We have been learning about bugs and some of them turn into butterflies. 
We made a wormery using biscoff biscuits, Oreos, melted chocolate and cream… it was yummy!
We then made a worm house in the garden using wet mud. 
We do lots of practising our phonemes and tricky words. ELLA

We have been playing games in the playground and trying to find the Big Bad Mouse.  
We have been doing headstands and cartwheels on the field. POPPY

In P.E, we got a ball and threw it as hard as we could and had to do ‘the pose’. 
We have been practising our handwriting. ADA

We have been doing Motor Movers to strengthen our muscles and the muscles in our tummy. 
In cricket we had to hit the ball, retrieve it and put it back. HENRY

We have been making some concrete in the garden to make a path. Mrs Bowden brought the animals out so we made a crocodile house. We dug a hole and put in some water for the animals. HUGO

In the forest, we have been looking for eggs. We saw some nests. I don’t know who the nest belonged to. HAMISH