Reception have been focusing on traditional tales, incorporating it into all areas of the curriculum. They loved creating beds in different sizes for the bears and retelling the story in their own words, discovering the true story behind Winnie the Pooh and sharing favourite stories from home. 

 In the woods they followed we clues and used the map to find Goldilocks and the three bears, made a bridge to cross the river and avoid the troll, made a stick house to cheer up Eeyore and played pooh sticks down at the bridge. 

They have enjoyed baking on a Friday, having afternoon tea with the bears, making cheese and bean pasties and decorating gingerbread people. 

We celebrated Chinese New Year with a range of crafts, sharing of information in the class and tasting a range of Chinese snacks. 

We will be continuing on topic on traditional tales into the second half of term with lots of exciting activities planned.