It has been a very busy term in Butterflies! 

At the start of term, we explored our topic ‘Space’, with lots of role play around the familiar story ‘Whatever Next’. We also introduced, ‘The Mouse and the Moon Made of Cheese’ which really grabbed the imaginations of the children. We even did some cheese tasting during snack time, exploring the story with all of our senses. Following this, we had a visit from an Alien called Herbert from the planet Floballob! During forest school, we helped Herbert to rebuild his space ship ready for him to head back home. This involved lots of team work and problem solving.

Also out in the forest, we delighted in having so many families join us for our forest stay and play this term. It provided the children with the opportunity to share our wonderful space with you and gave the children the chance to show their special grown-ups where they have so many of their nursery adventures. Although we have had to wrap lots as the mild autumn weather has made way for a very chilly start to the winter, we have continued to enjoy the great outdoors. The children are making excellent progress with their self-care and dressing routines in Butterflies, with many now able to put on and take off their own outdoor clothing. They are also developing their understanding of what items we will need to suit the weather on any given day. Please continue to promote this at home with your children, allowing them the time to dress themselves (with support if needed) where possible as it really does support them in being more independent, boosting their self-esteem and overall wellbeing.

As we reached December, it was full steam ahead for our festive preparations. The children worked so hard on our Nativity, learning the songs, rehearsing their lines and remembering when it was their turn to join in. I am sure everyone who came to watch our show can agree that it was a wonderful success, and we are all very proud of our little performers. 

Festive crafts have also been well underway (as I am sure you can tell from the glitter that has no doubt made it home on your children’s uniforms!). This year we have very much taken the children’s lead – they are a very creative bunch and we wanted to give them the opportunity for their creative minds to shine, so all our crafting projects have very much been process over planned product, allowing the children’s creative visions to be led by them and their individual ideas. Whilst being lots of fun, this has also allowed for us to continue to work with the children in developing their fine motor skills, with their pen control and letter formation coming on leaps and bounds this term. 

For the second part of the Autumn term, the Caterpillars have been looking at Space.
We have had lots of sensory fun by exploring foil painting, splatter aliens and making junk model helmets and rockets.
We explored the story ‘Whatever Next’ and created props to retell the story. We then made our own yummy picnic like Baby Bear ate in the story.
Towards the end of the term, we have been completing lots of Christmas activities. We linked the story of the Nativity to our number of the week ie. the number 3 representing the Three Kings and their gifts.
Whilst decorating the cabin, we used the language of size to identify big and small baubles and where they would best fit. We have also had lots of fun exploring Christmas crafts and learning a variety of festive songs.