We took part in this annual event on the 8th February. All the classes took part; Years 3 to 6 in the morning and Reception, years 1 and 2 in the afternoon. We all enjoyed a pleasant day weather-wise and as a school saw the following birds:-

Blackbird                                              Great Tit     

Black Headed Gull                                 House Sparrow       

Blue Tit                                                 Kestrel       

Bullfinch                                               Magpie      

Buzzard                                                Mallard   

Canadian Goose                                    Moorhen          

Chaffinch                                              Pied Wagtail

Collared Dove                                       Robin

Cormorant                                            Rook

Crow                                                    Starling

Feral Pigeon                                          Wood pigeon