On 27th June, Years 4, 5 and 6 performed the world premier of “100 Miles of Sky” at the Blue Room.  With script and songs by Mr Nowell, the show tells the story of the mass trespass on to Kinder Scout in 1932 which led to land access laws for walkers being reformed, and eventually to the creation of our national parks.  The performance was the culmination of a project which has gradually gained momentum throughout the year, drawing in social history and geography as well as the more obvious dramatic and musical skills of our students.

The show featured some stellar performances from the lead characters, and fantastically strong and uplifting singing from the whole company of some musically challenging songs.  It also gave everyone the opportunity to perform in a professional theatre space, a fantastic experience in itself.  Directed by Mrs Lyons, the whole company did themselves and the school proud and it’s fair to say that the production was one of the highlights of the year for Upper School.